You don't have to settle for stories filled with inappropriate and dirty material to find something suitable for you or your kids to read. You won't be sacrificing quality because I hold myself to a very high standard as an author, and nothing but my absolute best makes it into my books. I pride myself on avoiding sexual content, extreme vulgarity, disturbing violence, gore, and any ideas that could be damaging to children. My books are an excellent choice for an entertaining, worry-free gift.

Hi, I’m Adam Freestone.

Writer of the Sentinel Flame series

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A journey of survival for a boy robbed of his home...

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Tree of Memories

After surviving his encounter with a shadow demon...

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Two years have passed since book 2...

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My books are geared toward young adults/younger readers, but any age group will still enjoy them. They are similar to a mixture of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Most people can identify with the situation of the main character, Hyroc. He is an outcast, but he is very misunderstood. People despise him, but he doesn't let that affect him and always tries to do the right thing.
A coworker of mine bought my book, which was her trying to be supportive. My book also really wasn't in a genre she read. She got home and read a little bit of it before going to bed. The following day she went to work, as she always did. She left the book at her house, and her husband found it. She went home after her shift to find her husband reading it. He was so entrenched in the story that he couldn't put it down. She actually had to fight with her husband for him to let her read it. It was somewhat of a point of contention until one of them finally finished it. Her husband later said, "It was such a good story that he didn't want to wait to see what happened next. Similar stories to this continuously repeated themselves, a friend of someone I knew, a person I had never met, read my books and loved them. I know this is just a sales pitch, but I told everyone that read it not to hold back any criticism. If there was something wrong with my stories, I wanted to know about it and for them to have no regard for hurting my feelings. Though this may have seemed like I was being hard on myself, this constantly kept me figuratively on my toes and improving my writing. And my main goal was to create a good story.
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